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Fry Bread with Creative Dining Services

Phelps Dining Hall 264 Columbia Ave Holland, MI 49423

Join Hope College's Creative Dining Services at Phelps Dining Hall for fellowship and a meal inspired by Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story. Campus Health has not yet opened...

Striketime Dance Performance: Fry Bread Themes Part 1

Hope College, Dow Center, Studio 207 168 E 13th Street Holland, MI 49423

StrikeTime Dance Theatre will perform and present work inspired by the story Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story. Participants will learn about recipes and traditions through the lens of...

Strike Time Dance Performance: Fry Bread Themes Part 2

Hope College, Dow Center, Studio 207 168 E 13th Street Holland, MI 49423

StrikeTime Dance Theatre will perform and present work inspired by the story Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story. Participants will learn about recipes and traditions through the lens of...

Ubuntu: I Am Because We Are

Saugatuck Center for the Arts 400 Culver Street, Saugatuck, MI, United States

Come to the Saugatuck Center for the Arts and experience the amazing art from the Ubuntu: I am Because We Are collection and see what it means to be a...

Myth Crushers: The Science of Super Powers

Library for the Blind and Visually Disabled

Talk about what superpowers could be real, plausible, or busted. Kids will be able to use science to test theories on how these powers work. Registration required on calendar.

Pre-K Storytime at Dorr Township Library

Dorr Townhip Libary Community Room

Participate in Pre-K Storytime at Door Township Library where The Last Stop on Market Street will be one of the featured stories

Myth Crushers: The Science of Super Powers

Egleston Branch
Virtual Virtual Event

Talk about what superpowers could be real, plausible, or busted. Kids will be able to use science to test theories on how these powers work. Registration required on calendar.

Myth Crushers: The Science of Super Powers

Talk about what superpowers could be real, plausible, or busted. Kids will be able to use science to test theories on how these powers work. Registration required on calendar.

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